Sunday, April 13, 2008

Congratulations to Josh & Kelly

So this was a doubly fun wedding from March 15th. Why doubly fun, you ask? Well, the groom is Dave's best friend's brother's wedding - so I already knew at least half the family! AND, Cassandra Sullivan from Cassandra's Photography in
Massachusetts photographed it with me. I haven't seen Cassandra since the Photo Safari in NH in October, so that was great!

Let's see... got to Connecticut on Friday afternoon and got up to my super-comfortable hotel room at Avon Old Farms Hotel. Then I managed to gash my finger while opening my new flood light - the coolest of all photo accessories, if you didn't know. Then photographed their rehearsal and rehearsal dinner - plus got to see our adoptive nieces, Camryn and Reese who have just grown SO much since we saw them last in November. (Yes, Jeremy, we're calling them that now.)

Here's one of the girls walking down the aisle.

Next morning Cassandra came down from her 3-hour trek from the Cape Cod area... because I wasn't quite clear when I asked for "a photographer in the area" I guess? We met Kelly at around 1:00 and photographed her and the wedding party get ready. Probably not the best judgment to let Josh and the groomsmen get ready in an arcade, though. They got ready... eventually. (Very eventually.)

As I was saying... "very eventually."

The ceremony and reception were both held in a gorgeous old refectory. Beautiful light streaming in during the ceremony. And the ceremony itself was beautiful - very family oriented. Jim, Josh's brother even officiated, and lots of family recited readings and songs. We did some formal poses outside briefly - as it was frigid outside, and then went on a mini-photo safari with the couple inside the school building. (If you haven't guessed, Cassandra and I really like photo safaris.)

Skipping ahead through the reception... (You'll be filled in when I post the album, I promise) I think they could have charged admission! I knew Josh and his brothers could all sing... but what I didn't know (and found out during Karaoke) was that they all apparently married women who can sing too. We're not just talking "carrying a tune" either. And of course, there was Kelly's unforgettable rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody - because what bride doesn't mime Freddy Mercury on her wedding day?

Ok, so you've probably guessed that these are the "joke" pictures from their wedding. I'll post the full album next month some time!

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